LUSCIOUS VALENTINE DAY LIPS By SEO Admin on January 07, 2011

When plump lips are considered so sexy and desirable and when people have filler injections for smile lines, forehead wrinkles and sunken cheeks, why is the thought of putting something in the lip so frightening? The answer may lie both in the type of material injected and the depth of the injection. When collagen was the only approved injectible on the market it was used extensively for lip augmentation. Due to collagens composition it had to be used very close to the undersurface of the skin in order for it to last even a few weeks. Because it disappeared rather quickly, over correction was the norm and this combination of excess material very close to the surface dictated a particular look which was often unnatural and described as duckish.The other frequently injected material, both in the U.S. and abroad, was medical grade silicone. Unfortunately,this materialwas misused by many practitioners and led to disastrous complications furthering the notion that lip enhancement was best avoided. More recently, longer lasting injectibles have been introduced but have often been utilized in much the same way that collagen was, which has done little to change patients opinions about lip augmentation. But I think it's time to bring back full, luscious, natural looking lips. The durability and composition of the hyaluronic fillers makes it so that it is no longer necessary to over correct the lips. Equally important, is that these safe and popular fillers can be placed at a deeper level so they are less noticeable. The deep vermillion injections that I prefer in many cases avoids the duck look and fills the lips in a more subtle, less obvious way. And please, don't neglect your lower lip people. Look at the cover of any fashion magazine and you will see that it is the lower lip, and not the upper lip, that should be fuller for maximum aesthetic appeal. So let's get those lips filled for February and pucker up for Valentine's day!

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Dr. Jon Turk

Jon Turk MD

Dr. Jon Turk is a double board-certified surgeon with more than 30 years of experience performing facial plastic surgery and non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments. He is one of New York's top plastic surgeons, and actively maintains his affiliation with the following organizations:

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